CEQA Streamlining

The CEQA process tends to be lengthy, sometimes taking up to 3 years or more due to litigation, protracted review and approval schedules, and general stakeholder decision making.
CEQA streamlining provisions typically expedite evaluation and review processes resulting in reduced time and effort critical to project timelines.
Preparing for the Future
By removing obstacles and prioritizing public and community needs, the streamlining process can result in new jobs and overall economic growth. FCS is an industry-leader in CEQA Streamlining and can help you begin the process for a variety of eligible projects, including:
- Small Infill (Section No. 15332, Class 32): Project sites less than 5 acres located in urbanized areas and served by existing utilities.
- Infill (Section No. 15183.3): Site in an area analyzed in a certified EIR; can be residential or commercial.
- Affordable Housing (Section No 15194): Project site less than 5 acres with 100 or fewer housing units.
- Specific Plan (Section No. 15182): Can be mixed-use, residential, or employment center/office; must be consistent with Specific Plan and EIR.
- Community Plan (Section No. 15183): Consistent with the development density of a community plan, zoning, or general plan with a certified EIR.
- Transit Priority (Section No. 21155): Among other requirements, the project must contain at least 50 percent residential use and a net density of at least 20 units/acre.
The CEQA Streamlining Team

Senior Vice President, Environmental Services
Senior Vice President, Environmental Services

Senior Attorney
Senior Attorney
White Paper
CEQA Streamlining to Expedite Development
Drawing on the latest legislation and best practices, FCS has identified strategies to expedite CEQA compliance, ultimately leading to faster project approvals and fewer regulatory obstacles. CEQA streamlining refers to the process of expediting or simplifying the environmental review and approval process for certain qualifying discretionary projects.
Read moreSelect Projects
1040 La Brea Avenue Hotel Categorical Exemption
San Gorgonio Crossing Project EIR
Bishop Ranch 6 Residential Development
Scannell Properties Logisitcs Warehouse Project EIR
1040 La Brea Avenue Hotel Categorical Exemption
The City of West Hollywood selected FCS to prepare necessary technical studies and the appropriate level of CEQA documentation for the 1040 La Brea Project. FCS completed detailed technical studies, including an Air Quality and GHG Emissions Analysis, Noise Analysis, and Traffic Impact Analysis, and subsequently facilitated the successful completion of a Categorical Exemption pursuant to CEQA.
San Gorgonio Crossing Project EIR
FCS recently prepared an EIR and associated technical studies to evaluate the potential environmental impacts associated with construction and operation of the San Gorgonio Crossing Project, which proposes to construct two LEED-certified industrial buildings totaling more than 2.5 million square feet on approximately 229 acres near Cherry Valley, California.
Bishop Ranch 6 Residential Development
FCS prepared the City Village (Bishop Ranch 6) Project Addendum to the North Camino Ramon Specific Plan EIR and supporting technical documents to determine whether and to what extent the EIR sufficiently addresses the potential impacts of the proposed project.
Scannell Properties Logisitcs Warehouse Project EIR
FCS prepared the EIR, Cultural Resource Assessment, and Noise Study for the Scannell Properties Project in the Bay Area. This innovative project has laid the groundwork for future logistics projects, through its proactive commitment to the use of electric vehicles and a scheduled transition to a zero-emission fleet.
Benefits of CEQA Streamlining
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) exists to ensure that government decision-makers consider potential environmental impacts before approving public or private projects. CEQA aspires to facilitate…
Opportunities for CEQA Streamlining
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires both public and private projects to undergo an environmental analysis.
How we can help
CEQA can be difficult to navigate. Achieving environmental compliance is an ongoing process necessary for any project. Our environmental experts are trained and knowledgeable across all areas of data collection and management, assessments, reporting, and more for a seamless and cost-effective streamlining process.
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