We work with school districts, universities, and colleges to ensure that projects have everything they need to comply with CEQA requirements, including technically sound environmental documentation, management plans, mitigation measures, and responses.
Case Study
Vanguard University Campus Master Plan
FCS completed an IS/MND for the Vanguard University Campus Master Plan. The proposed Master Plan includes 12 separate projects that involve the removal and/or reconstruction of buildings on campus.
Read moreAs a full-service firm, FCS is uniquely positioned to keep your project moving forward.
With in-house experts specializing in CEQA/NEPA, air quality and GHG emissions, cultural and natural resources, noise management, health risk assessments, and even visual analysis, we’ve helped education projects across California at every step of the approval process.
Key Team Members

Director of Biological and Cultural Resources Management
Director of Biological and Cultural Resources Management

Associate Director, Noise & Air Quality
Associate Director, Noise & Air Quality
Select Projects
Warm Springs/South Fremont Community Plan EIR
Archaeological Monitoring Services for the Solano Community College New Science Building and Gas Line Project
Environmental Services for The Conservation Center for Wildlife Care
Kaiser Dublin Medical Center
Warm Springs/South Fremont Community Plan EIR
The Community Plan envisions up to 4,000 dwelling units, 10 million square feet of non-residential uses, 20,000 new jobs, and a 600-student elementary school over a planning horizon of more than 20 years. FCS carefully evaluated ways to avoid or reduce potential impacts through thoughtful planning of this highly constrained site, located between the Union Pacific railroad, BART corridor, and Interstate 880.
Archaeological Monitoring Services for the Solano Community College New Science Building and Gas Line Project
FCS identified sensitive prehistoric cultural resources, then proposed and carried out an Archaeological Monitoring and Treatment Plan that included Phase II archaeological testing.
Environmental Services for The Conservation Center for Wildlife Care
FCS prepared technical studies (cultural resources, biological resources, air quality, and noise) in support of The Lawrence Ellison Foundation (LEF) original application submittal in 2013 and also reviewed provided comments on the County’s 2014 EIR on behalf of the LEF. Following the unanimous approval of the project, FCS is now providing biological, regulatory, project management, and entitlement processing services to support the proposed Conservation Center for Wildlife Care Project in Santa Clara County.
Kaiser Dublin Medical Center
FCS recently completed a project-level EIR for the development of an approximately 1.2-million-square-foot medical center on 58 acres in eastern Dublin. The proposed medical center includes a 950,000-square-foot medical campus and a 250,000-square-foot commercial component.
How we can help
In an ever-changing regulatory and sustainability environment, FCS understands the challenges you face. Our highly qualified environmental specialists, energy management consultants, and technical experts deliver integrated, industry-specific solutions that move your project forward—so that you can focus on what matters.