FCS works with Recreation and Parks Districts across the state helping support park development projects by providing technically sound, legally defensible environmental compliance documentation, mitigation measures, and project management.
Case Study
Santa Ana River Trail Environmental Assessment
The Santa Ana River Trail Project proposes to construct a hiking, bicycle, and equestrian trail along the Santa Ana River in Riverside County. To date, FCS has analyzed several portions of the trail, including (I) the portion that would extend from Hidden Valley County Park through the Prado Basin, and then to the Orange County line; and (II) the Corona-Norco-Eastvale segment.
Read moreParks are fast becoming powerful hubs for communities around the country. As recreational spaces continue to bolster local economies, improve property values, and help address environmental and public health concerns, FCS is dedicated to ensuring the success of your project.
Let our multidisciplinary team, technical expertise, and broad regulatory experience help you navigate the review process and keep your project moving forward. As advocates for our clients, FCS’s experienced in-house talent is able to help you stay in compliance with environmental regulations, prepare responses to public commentary and findings, manage biological and cultural monitoring, and so much more.
Key Team Members

Senior Vice President, Environmental Services
Senior Vice President, Environmental Services
Select Projects
Lang Ranch Sapwi Trails Community Park Project IS/MND and Regulatory Permitting for the Conejo Recreation and Park District
Santa Ana River Trail Environmental Assessment
San Mateo Central Park Master Plan Update IS/MND
CEQA Services for Clover Spring Open Space Preserve Project
Lang Ranch Sapwi Trails Community Park Project IS/MND and Regulatory Permitting for the Conejo Recreation and Park District
FCS prepared an IS/MND and associated technical studies (Air Quality and GHG Emissions Assessment, Biological Resources Letter Report, Traffic Impact Analysis, Constraints Map) for a 145-acre Community Park that would support a number of passive and semi-passive recreational activities, including hiking, biking, disc golf, and non-motorized model glider flying.
Santa Ana River Trail Environmental Assessment
The Santa Ana River Trail Project proposes to construct a hiking, bicycle, and equestrian trail along the Santa Ana River in Riverside County. To date, FCS has analyzed several portions of the trail, including (I) the portion that would extend from Hidden Valley County Park through the Prado Basin, and then to the Orange County line; and (II) the Corona-Norco-Eastvale segment.
San Mateo Central Park Master Plan Update IS/MND
FCS prepared an IS/MND for the San Mateo Central Park Master Plan Update. A 2002 Strategic Plan prepared by the City of San Mateo Parks and Recreation Department made a number of both general and specific recommendations regarding the City’s parks and recreational system as a whole, identifying the San Mateo Central Park as an important piece of the City and establishing a number of design objectives for the park.
CEQA Services for Clover Spring Open Space Preserve Project
FCS prepared an IS/MND for the development of a new trail system and related improvements on the Clover Spring Open Space Preserve, consisting of 250 acres located at the terminus of Skyview Drive in southwestern Cloverdale.
How we can help
In an ever-changing regulatory and sustainability environment, FCS understands the challenges you face. Our highly qualified environmental specialists, energy management consultants, and technical experts deliver integrated, industry-specific solutions that move your project forward—so that you can focus on what matters.