FCS supports your solid waste, landfill, and recycling projects with technically sound technical studies and assessments, entitlements and permitting support, legally defensible environmental documents, and community outreach.
Case Study
Blossom Valley Organics North IS/MND
FCS prepared an expedited IS/MND for proposed improvements to the Recology Blossom Valley Organics–North operating facility in the unincorporated community of Vernalis in San Joaquin County. The proposed improvements include wastewater infrastructure improvements, a groundwater well, litter and dust fence expansion, additional incoming feedstock processing line, equipment wash area, aerated static pile system, second vacuum truck, and employee break room expansion.
Read moreOur experts have extensive experience supporting a wide range of projects, from recycling projects and materials recovery to landfill and gas-to-energy (LFG) facilities.
As a full-service firm, we take an integrated approach to provide you with the specialized solutions many solid waste and landfill projects need.
Key Team Members

Director/Senior Vice President, Environmental Services
Director/Senior Vice President, Environmental Services

Senior Vice President, Environmental Services
Senior Vice President, Environmental Services
Select Projects
Warm Springs/South Fremont Community Plan EIR
El Dorado Materials Recovery Facility Remodeling Project IS/MND
Blossom Valley Organics North IS/MND
Solid Waste Operations CEQA Checklist
Warm Springs/South Fremont Community Plan EIR
The Community Plan envisions up to 4,000 dwelling units, 10 million square feet of non-residential uses, 20,000 new jobs, and a 600-student elementary school over a planning horizon of more than 20 years. FCS carefully evaluated ways to avoid or reduce potential impacts through thoughtful planning of this highly constrained site, located between the Union Pacific railroad, BART corridor, and Interstate 880.
El Dorado Materials Recovery Facility Remodeling Project IS/MND
FCS prepared an IS/MND for proposed renovations at the El Dorado Materials Recovery Facility located west of the City of Placerville in unincorporated El Dorado County.
Blossom Valley Organics North IS/MND
FCS prepared an expedited IS/MND for proposed improvements to the Recology Blossom Valley Organics–North operating facility in the unincorporated community of Vernalis in San Joaquin County. The proposed improvements include wastewater infrastructure improvements, a groundwater well, litter and dust fence expansion, additional incoming feedstock processing line, equipment wash area, aerated static pile system, second vacuum truck, and employee break room expansion.
Solid Waste Operations CEQA Checklist
FCS proactively worked with the Town of Windsor to review their existing CEQA Checklist analyzing the five potential solid waste franchise proposals. The analysis included three new potential facility locations proposed by Greenwaste as part of their solid waste removal contract. All three sites were addressed under each of the CEQA Appendix G Checklist questions and a significance finding for potential impacts were made.
How we can help
In an ever-changing regulatory and sustainability environment, FCS understands the challenges you face. Our highly qualified environmental specialists, energy management consultants, and technical experts deliver integrated, industry-specific solutions that move your project forward—so that you can focus on what matters.