
  • Waste Connections, Inc.



El Dorado Materials Recovery Facility Remodeling Project IS/MND

FCS prepared an IS/MND for proposed renovations at the El Dorado Materials Recovery Facility located west of the City of Placerville in unincorporated El Dorado County. 

 The proposed improvements included partial demolition and renovation of the existing office space, transfer station area, bale storage, maintenance bay and recycling storage area as well as the provision of a new transfer station, recycle processing area, household hazardous waste/appliances area and gate house. In addition, an offsite processing facility was required during renovation.  Renovations were aimed at increasing onsite stormwater management and quality, increasing operational efficiency, decreasing wind blown scatter, and an overall improvement in onsite waste recovery services.   

FCS assisted El Dorado County, the lead agency, and Waste Connections, the applicant, in collecting necessary information to assess potential environmental impacts related to the renovation and temporary offsite processing facility to ensure appropriate CEQA compliance. FCS worked closely with Waste Connections to ensure project details and updates complied with applicable environmental regulations.   FCS carefully considered the project’s impacts related, but not limited to aesthetics, air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, biological resources, transportation, and noise. FCS assisted with the identification of onsite and nearby potentially jurisdictional areas and provided direction on potential project impacts and regulatory implications. Due diligence was completed to ensure that all project related construction and operational air emissions, including those of the temporary offsite facility and rerouting of traffic to that facility, were analyzed.  FCS's data collection and analysis resulted in the preparation of a succinct CEQA document, in the form of an IS/MND, which supported the County’s consideration and ultimate approval of the project. The project was approved by the El Dorado County Planning Commission on November 8, 2018.

How we can help

In an ever-changing regulatory and sustainability environment, FCS understands the challenges you face. Our highly qualified environmental specialists, energy management consultants, and technical experts deliver integrated, industry-specific solutions that move your project forward—so that you can focus on what matters.