Source: City of Fremont
Osgood II Residences Project in the City of Fremont
The proposed project is located at 41911 – 42035 Osgood Road, a three-parcel site on the west side of Osgood Road between Washington Boulevard (north) and Blacow Road (south) in the Irvington Community Plan Area of Fremont. Existing site improvements to be demolished in conjunction with project activities include a 31,965 square foot light industrial building, a 14,440 square foot warehouse building, and an approximately 2,200 square foot single-family dwelling.
The proposed project would construct a two-building, 284-unit multifamily residential development. The five-story Building A would be located on the south side of the site and contain 122 condominium units and the five-story Building B on the north side of the site would contain 162 rental apartment units. The ground floor of each building would feature amenity spaces lining the Osgood Street frontage and an enclosed parking garage featuring mechanical lifts. The two buildings would be separated by an open space paseo, and a private roadway providing access to the parking garages would wrap the development.
FCS provided peer review of the applicant’s air quality and greenhouse gas emissions analysis and noise impact analysis reports, that were prepared for a previous iteration of the project. FCS then provided updated air quality and greenhouse gas emissions analysis, a new health risk assessment, and an update noise impact analysis report to support the City prepared CEQA document.
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