Source: TSG Cherry Valley, LP
TSG Cherry Valley, LP
San Gorgonio Crossing Project EIR
FCS recently prepared an EIR and associated technical studies to evaluate the potential environmental impacts associated with construction and operation of the San Gorgonio Crossing Project, which proposes to construct two LEED-certified industrial buildings totaling more than 2.5 million square feet on approximately 229 acres near Cherry Valley, California. Additional development on the site would include up to 835 trailer parking stalls, 391 dock doors, private streets, natural washes, detention basins/bio swales, landscaping, and a 200-foot drainage setback along Cherry Valley Boulevard. This project was processed under the County of Riverside’s Fast-Track Program. Approximately 160 acres of the project site would be developed (approximately 70% of the project site); the remaining 68 acres would remain as natural open space. Key project issues included land use compatibility with nearby rural homes, air emissions from diesel trucks, traffic, noise, and an earthquake fault that traverses the site.
This is a highly controversial project, and the County received over 700 comment letters on the recirculated Draft EIR. FCS’s ability to promptly respond to these comments in an expedited manner kept the project on schedule to meet the County’s General Plan Amendment cycle for 2017. Working closely with the County of Riverside, local, regional and State agencies, FCS successfully assisted the client navigate the project through the complex CEQA process. The project was approved by the Board of Supervisors in October 2017.
How we can help
In an ever-changing regulatory and sustainability environment, FCS understands the challenges you face. Our highly qualified environmental specialists, energy management consultants, and technical experts deliver integrated, industry-specific solutions that move your project forward—so that you can focus on what matters.