City of Costa Mesa
- CEQA/NEPA Compliance
- Cultural Resources Management
- Noise Management
- Biological Resources Management
- Air Quality/GHG Management
Vanguard University Campus Master Plan
FCS completed an IS/MND for the Vanguard University Campus Master Plan. The proposed Master Plan includes 12 separate projects that involve the removal and/or reconstruction of buildings on campus. In addition to preparing the IS/MND, FCS also peer reviewed the applicant-provided technical studies (Existing Tree Inventory and Water Quality Management Plan) for technical adequacy and legal sufficiency for purposes of CEQA and prepared required project-specific technical studies, including an Air Quality Impact Analysis, GHG Emissions, Noise Impact Analysis, Biological Resources Assessment, Cultural Resources Assessment (CRA), Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, and Traffic Study. FCS incorporated the findings, conclusions, and recommendations from all project-related technical studies into the IS/MND. The IS/MND included mitigation measures to address impacts to air quality (off-road construction equipment), biological resources (breeding season and nesting birds), cultural resources (inadvertent discoveries and future historic resources evaluations and monitoring, paleontological monitoring), hazards (asbestos-containing materials and lead-based paints), hydrology (WQMP), noise (construction), transportation (phasing, parking, signing and striping, circulation, sight distance, operations), and utilities (sewer capacity).
As part of the IS/MND process, FCS also prepared responses to comments on the environmental document and attended two Planning Commission hearings on behalf of the City. In June 2018, the City approved the IS/MND; however, the Master Plan itself was not approved in its entirety due to the proximity of the Maintenance and Operations building to residences. The City will reconsider that item in fall 2018, at which point a subsequent Addendum may be required pursuant to CEQA.
How we can help
In an ever-changing regulatory and sustainability environment, FCS understands the challenges you face. Our highly qualified environmental specialists, energy management consultants, and technical experts deliver integrated, industry-specific solutions that move your project forward—so that you can focus on what matters.