Biological Resources Management
Our in-house biologists can tailor a work plan to meet your needs, from the simplest habitat assessments to the most complex regulatory permits.
Case Study
Environmental Services for The Conservation Center for Wildlife Care
FCS prepared technical studies (cultural resources, biological resources, air quality, and noise) in support of The Lawrence Ellison Foundation (LEF) original application submittal in 2013 and also reviewed provided comments on the County’s 2014 EIR on behalf of the LEF. Following the unanimous approval of the project, FCS is now providing biological, regulatory, project management, and entitlement processing services to support the proposed Conservation Center for Wildlife Care Project in Santa Clara County.
Read moreFCS’s collaborative approach and solid relationships with our clients give us unique insight into your project, leading to faster and more cost-effective approvals.
With an in-depth understanding of compliance and local and regional plan elements, FCS has the in-house talent to oversee the installation, long-term monitoring, and overall compliance of habitat mitigation and monitoring plans for pre- and post-construction plan elements.
- Biological Surveys and Assessments
- Clean Water Act Compliance (Section 401/404)
- Construction Monitoring and Reporting
- Endangered Species Act Compliance (ESA Section 7/10)
- Endangered Species Surveys
- Habitat Characterizations, Mapping, and Impact Analyses
- Habitat Conservation Plans (ESA Section 10)
- Mitigation and Restoration Plans
- Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
- Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plans (MSHCPs)
- Pre-construction Surveys
- Regulatory Permitting
- Resource Management Plans
- Sensitive Species Investigations
- Special-Status Species Surveys
- Wetlands Delineations and Permitting
The FCS Biological Resources Management Team

Principal Field Biologist
Principal Field Biologist

Biologist, Regulatory Specialist, ISA Certified Arborist
Biologist, Regulatory Specialist, ISA Certified Arborist

GIS Specialist, Field Biologist
GIS Specialist, Field Biologist

Biologist, ISA Certified Arborist
Biologist, ISA Certified Arborist
Years of Combined Biological Resources Management Expertise

Years of Combined Biological Resources Management Expertise
Select Projects
Tree Inventory Report for 2940 Alum Rock Avenue Project, City of San José
Biological and Cultural Construction Monitoring Services for the AT&T SR-127 Fiber Optic Project
LA-RICS CA Project-Wide Management
Oakmont of Evergreen Assisted Living Facility Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Biological and Cultural Construction Monitoring Services for the AT&T SR-127 Fiber Optic Project
FCS provided biological and cultural resources preconstruction and construction monitoring services in support of the installation of approximately 12.25 miles of fiber optic conduit and cable between the unincorporated community of Baker and the U.S. Army National Training Center (NTC) at Fort Irwin, California.
LA-RICS CA Project-Wide Management
FCS is overseeing the environmental compliance process for the Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Communication System (LA-RICS) project. This includes authoring environmental documents necessary to facilitate the construction and establishment of a land mobile radio (LMR) system for first responders in Los Angeles County. The LMR Project would install, operate, and maintain LMR antennas and support equipment on existing or new monopoles and lattice tower support structures or on the rooftops of existing buildings at sites located primarily in Los Angeles County.
Oakmont of Evergreen Assisted Living Facility Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
FCS provided technical monitoring and survey services to satisfy the requirements of Oakmont of Evergreen Project’s Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP). FCS initially provided technical services and secured the CEQA clearance for this project; the client subsequently requested that we provide technical monitoring and survey services during the construction phase of the project.
How we can help
In an ever-changing regulatory and sustainability environment, FCS understands the challenges you face. Our highly qualified environmental specialists, energy management consultants, and technical experts deliver integrated, industry-specific solutions that move your project forward—so that you can focus on what matters.
Biological Resources Management
Biological Resources Management refers to the ways in which people manage or use natural resources available to them as they rely on them for survival and development. Natural resources include water, air, land, minerals, forests, animals/livestock, fisheries, and wild flora and fauna. Managing these resources sustainably means using them as efficiently as possible to limit waste.