CEQA/NEPA Compliance
FCS has more than 39 years of expertise preparing technically sound, legally defensible, and cost-effective CEQA and NEPA environmental compliance documents for projects throughout California.
Source: NMDA Architects
Case Study
1040 La Brea Avenue Hotel Categorical Exemption
Source: NMDA Architects
The City of West Hollywood selected FCS to prepare necessary technical studies and the appropriate level of CEQA documentation for the 1040 La Brea Project. FCS completed detailed technical studies, including an Air Quality and GHG Emissions Analysis, Noise Analysis, and Traffic Impact Analysis, and subsequently facilitated the successful completion of a Categorical Exemption pursuant to CEQA.
Read moreOur in-house teams of technical experts, working alongside experienced and dedicated project managers, allow us to coordinate effectively and respond quickly, saving time and money. We are a full-service firm with the flexibility to meet client needs on a wide variety of projects, helping you navigate the review process swiftly and cost-effectively.
- Alternatives Analysis
- Categorical Exclusions/Exemptions
- Environmental Assessments
- Environmental Impact Reports
- Environmental Impact Statements
- Findings of No Significant Impact
- Initial Studies
- Joint CEQA/NEPA Documents
- Mitigated Negative Declarations
- Negative Declarations Preliminary
- Proponent Environmental Assessments
The FCS CEQA/NEPA Compliance Team

Director/Senior Vice President, Environmental Services
Director/Senior Vice President, Environmental Services

Senior Vice President, Environmental Services
Senior Vice President, Environmental Services

Associate Director, Environmental Sciences
Associate Director, Environmental Sciences

Environmental documents prepared

Select Projects
1040 La Brea Avenue Hotel Categorical Exemption
Warm Springs/South Fremont Community Plan EIR
San Ramon City Center Plaza District Finding of Consistency
San Gorgonio Crossing Project EIR
1040 La Brea Avenue Hotel Categorical Exemption
The City of West Hollywood selected FCS to prepare necessary technical studies and the appropriate level of CEQA documentation for the 1040 La Brea Project. FCS completed detailed technical studies, including an Air Quality and GHG Emissions Analysis, Noise Analysis, and Traffic Impact Analysis, and subsequently facilitated the successful completion of a Categorical Exemption pursuant to CEQA.
Warm Springs/South Fremont Community Plan EIR
The Community Plan envisions up to 4,000 dwelling units, 10 million square feet of non-residential uses, 20,000 new jobs, and a 600-student elementary school over a planning horizon of more than 20 years. FCS carefully evaluated ways to avoid or reduce potential impacts through thoughtful planning of this highly constrained site, located between the Union Pacific railroad, BART corridor, and Interstate 880.
San Ramon City Center Plaza District Finding of Consistency
FCS prepared a Finding of Consistency to provide CEQA coverage for the project-level entitlements associated with the Plaza District. The San Ramon City Center project, a 2.1-million-square-foot mixed use project, was originally approved by the San Ramon City Council in December 2007. In conjunction with the approvals, the City Council certified the San Ramon City Center Subsequent EIR, which was prepared by FCS.
San Gorgonio Crossing Project EIR
FCS recently prepared an EIR and associated technical studies to evaluate the potential environmental impacts associated with construction and operation of the San Gorgonio Crossing Project, which proposes to construct two LEED-certified industrial buildings totaling more than 2.5 million square feet on approximately 229 acres near Cherry Valley, California.
How we can help
In an ever-changing regulatory and sustainability environment, FCS understands the challenges you face. Our highly qualified environmental specialists, energy management consultants, and technical experts deliver integrated, industry-specific solutions that move your project forward—so that you can focus on what matters.
CEQA Consulting Services For Cities
Customize the environmental review process for specific relevance to your jurisdiction.
AB 819 Establishes New Statutory Requirements for Submitting CEQA Documents
On July 16, 2021, CA Governor Gavin Newsom signed and filed with the Secretary of State Assembly Bill No. 819 (AB 819), amending nine statutory sections that are part of CEQA. The bill was filed as non-urgency…