Grant Writing and Management Services
Our in-house team of grant specialists support organizations through all stages of the grant process whether it's identifying grants you may be eligible for, applying for grants, or managing the grant after it has been awarded.
Benefits of Hiring a Grant Writing and Management Team
Grants are a vital funding source for a multitude of public projects and programs, including infrastructure. Grants empower cities and municipalities to meet residents' needs, enhance public services, foster economic and social development, and promote sustainability. However, applying for and managing grants is intricate and time-consuming, demanding specialized skills and expertise.
Read moreFCS understands the power that well-managed grants can bring to your projects. Our in-house grant management team is uniquely trained in NEPA and CEQA and will help turn your plans into reality.
Our grant research and writing process is meticulous and tailored. We identify opportunities, assess eligibility, and craft compelling proposals that resonate with funding agencies ensuring your project’s value is clearly communicated and stands out in a competitive landscape.
- Grant Research and Identification
- Grant Writing
- Proposal Submissions
- Grant Management Services
Securing the grant is just the beginning. FCS excels in compliance reporting, ensuring that every dollar is accounted for, and every regulation is met. Our financial management practices are proactive and precise, providing you with peace of mind that your project is in responsible hands.
- Understanding Federal Requirements
- Registration
- Financial Management
- Allowable Costs
- Reporting
- Audits
- Records Retention
The FCS Grant Writing and Management Services Team

Grant Writer, Analyst
Grant Writer, Analyst

Senior Grant Writer
Senior Grant Writer
Select Projects
1040 La Brea Avenue Hotel Categorical Exemption
CEQA for Healdsburg 110 Dry Creek Rd. Hotel and Housing
Bishop Ranch 6 Residential Development
Real Estate Development Shoreline Property Site Closure
1040 La Brea Avenue Hotel Categorical Exemption
The City of West Hollywood selected FCS to prepare necessary technical studies and the appropriate level of CEQA documentation for the 1040 La Brea Project. FCS completed detailed technical studies, including an Air Quality and GHG Emissions Analysis, Noise Analysis, and Traffic Impact Analysis, and subsequently facilitated the successful completion of a Categorical Exemption pursuant to CEQA.
CEQA for Healdsburg 110 Dry Creek Rd. Hotel and Housing
FCS prepared an IS/MND for a 126-room hotel and low-income housing development at 110 Dry Creek Road in the City of Healdsburg. The Applicant proposes to demolish five existing structures and construct a four-story, 84,075-square-foot hotel and 39 affordable multi-family units totaling 84,534 square feet on the 3.87-acre site.
Bishop Ranch 6 Residential Development
FCS prepared the City Village (Bishop Ranch 6) Project Addendum to the North Camino Ramon Specific Plan EIR and supporting technical documents to determine whether and to what extent the EIR sufficiently addresses the potential impacts of the proposed project.
Real Estate Development Shoreline Property Site Closure
A real estate development client owned a shoreline property where a Phase I site assessment by another consultant led to an extensive site assessment of groundwater, soil, and sedimentt leading to a risk-based study.
How we can help
In an ever-changing regulatory and sustainability environment, FCS understands the challenges you face. Our highly qualified environmental specialists, energy management consultants, and technical experts deliver integrated, industry-specific solutions that move your project forward—so that you can focus on what matters.
Ethical Business Practices for Grant Writing and Management
Grant writing is an essential process for many organizations seeking funding for projects or initiatives. Although the main objective of grant writing is to obtain financial support, adhering to ethical…
Dogtown Rd. Bridges
Dogtown Road is a rural road in Calaveras County that runs from Fricot City Road in the north to State Route 49 in the south. There are several bridges located along Dogtown Road including the French Gulch,…