Program Management / Construction Monitoring
Complicated project? We’re a full-service firm that will be with you every step of the way, helping you navigate the review process swiftly and cost-effectively.
Case Study
LA-RICS CA Project-Wide Management
FCS is overseeing the environmental compliance process for the Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Communication System (LA-RICS) project. This includes authoring environmental documents necessary to facilitate the construction and establishment of a land mobile radio (LMR) system for first responders in Los Angeles County. The LMR Project would install, operate, and maintain LMR antennas and support equipment on existing or new monopoles and lattice tower support structures or on the rooftops of existing buildings at sites located primarily in Los Angeles County.
Read moreWhether you comply with a simple environmental requirement or address a complex regulatory issue, FCS provides the guidance and support you need to improve your bottom line value.
- Mitigation planning and preparation
- Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) design and implementation
- Project management throughout the post-CEQA certification phase
- Biological monitoring
- Cultural monitoring
- Paleontological monitoring
- Subconsultant management
- Preparation of responses to comments, resolutions, findings, and statements of overriding considerations
- Training to meet environmental regulations
- Coordination and facilitation of public information, outreach, and scoping meetings
- Peer review of environmental compliance documents
- On-call environmental compliance support
Our legal department is also fully integrated with our team to provide environmental training and regulatory support to organizations of all shapes and sizes, ensuring your staff is knowledgeable and comfortable with the most recent environmental laws and how they impact your projects and jurisdiction. Depending on your organization’s needs, we can work with your staff to provide as-needed on-call support or more formal training programs.
The FCS Program Management / Construction Monitoring Team

Senior Vice President, Environmental Services
Senior Vice President, Environmental Services

Director/Senior Vice President, Environmental Services
Director/Senior Vice President, Environmental Services

Monitoring days and pre-construction surveys

Select Projects
Bishop Ranch 6 Residential Development
Biological and Cultural Construction Monitoring Services for the AT&T SR-127 Fiber Optic Project
LA-RICS CA Project-Wide Management
Oakmont of Evergreen Assisted Living Facility Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Bishop Ranch 6 Residential Development
FCS prepared the City Village (Bishop Ranch 6) Project Addendum to the North Camino Ramon Specific Plan EIR and supporting technical documents to determine whether and to what extent the EIR sufficiently addresses the potential impacts of the proposed project.
Biological and Cultural Construction Monitoring Services for the AT&T SR-127 Fiber Optic Project
FCS provided biological and cultural resources preconstruction and construction monitoring services in support of the installation of approximately 12.25 miles of fiber optic conduit and cable between the unincorporated community of Baker and the U.S. Army National Training Center (NTC) at Fort Irwin, California.
LA-RICS CA Project-Wide Management
FCS is overseeing the environmental compliance process for the Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Communication System (LA-RICS) project. This includes authoring environmental documents necessary to facilitate the construction and establishment of a land mobile radio (LMR) system for first responders in Los Angeles County. The LMR Project would install, operate, and maintain LMR antennas and support equipment on existing or new monopoles and lattice tower support structures or on the rooftops of existing buildings at sites located primarily in Los Angeles County.
Oakmont of Evergreen Assisted Living Facility Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
FCS provided technical monitoring and survey services to satisfy the requirements of Oakmont of Evergreen Project’s Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP). FCS initially provided technical services and secured the CEQA clearance for this project; the client subsequently requested that we provide technical monitoring and survey services during the construction phase of the project.
How we can help
In an ever-changing regulatory and sustainability environment, FCS understands the challenges you face. Our highly qualified environmental specialists, energy management consultants, and technical experts deliver integrated, industry-specific solutions that move your project forward—so that you can focus on what matters.