Visual Analysis Services

The power to “see” your project before it’s built is an invaluable tool for a successful design and approval process. FCS can help.

Case Study

Downtown Cleaveland - Blake-Griggs Multi-family Residential Facility EIR

FCS is preparing an EIR for a 2.33-acre project site within the City of Pleasant Hill’s Downtown Specific Plan. The City of Pleasant Hill proposes to adopt the Downtown Sub-Area Specific Plan (Downtown SASP), a comprehensive planning document that would establish specific guiding principles and a long-term strategy for development of the infill area.

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Visual Analysis Services icon

FCS provides a full suite of visual analysis services to support your project through the approval process and design iteration. We combine regulatory expertise with technical capability to walk you through the entire process from cradle to grave. Add our in-house design personnel, and our studio-quality imagery showcases your project’s design intent before breaking ground. This way, your project shines through and is accurately and effectively portrayed to the public and decision makers, helping you save time and money.

  • Visual Simulations
  • Shade & Shadow Studies
  • Visual Impact Analysis
  • Viewshed Analysis
  • Design Review Exhibits
  • Marketing Renderings
  • Visual Analysis Peer Reviews
  • Animated Walkthroughs/Flythroughs

The FCS Visual Analysis Services Team


Director/Senior Vice President, Environmental Services

Director/Senior Vice President, Environmental Services


Senior Vice President, Environmental Services

Senior Vice President, Environmental Services


Lead Creative

Lead Creative

Visual Analysis Services image
Visual Analysis Services image

Select Projects

Del Hombre Apartments Project EIR

FCS provided peer review of technical studies prepared by the project applicant’s consultants to ensure consistency, completeness, and adequacy for the purposes of CEQA. FCS provided visual simulations of the project from key public vantage points for the purposes of assessing potential aesthetic impacts using  state-of-the-art 3D modeling, GIS, and photo-editing software.

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Spotorno Residential Subdivision Project EIR

As part of a comprehensive EIR, FCS developed a set of visual simulations using state-of-the-art 3D modeling, GIS, and photo-editing software to realistically and accurately visualize a new 39-lot residential subdivision in the Happy Valley area of Pleasanton, California.

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Oak Park Properties Specific Plan EIR

FCS prepared an EIR for a 15-acre plan area which includes a new public library, housing, and athletic fields. The plan area is located entirely within the City of Pleasant Hill on land owned by Contra Costa County and the Mount Diablo Unified School District.

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Santa Clara Digital Sign and Relocation

Outfront Media, a national outdoor advertising company, consulted with FCS to analyze the visibility of a proposed digital sign along Highway 101 in Santa Clara utilizing 3D modeling and animation. As the sign location is adjacent to a planned interchange redesign, Outfront needed to understand the potential impacts the planned interchange would have on the visibility of its proposed sign to northbound travelers of the highway.

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See your project before it's built for a successful design and approval process.


Visual Simulations

A visual simulation is any graphic aide that shows the before-and-after conditions of a proposed project. The before condition is simply an existing view of a site or location. The after condition is a view created digitally (with the help of computer programming) to “simulate” the future buildout of a new project from the same vantage point. In the CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) world, the most common type of visual simulation is a photo simulation. 


6 Times You Need Visual Simulations

Communities and developers alike benefit from the chance to understand the implications of a proposed project’s design. There is nothing like being able to visualize a development and all its elements,…